Seven Mile Beach National Park is located near the small town of Berry in New South Wales. After spending our day in the quaint touristy town – if you’re ever there you have to visit the Famous Donut Van – we made our way to the park. Sunset was coming, but we took charge and decided to hike the Southern Sand Track walk before nightfall.

The name of this park is no lie – Seven Mile Beach is indeed a miles-long stretch of unbroken sandy beach. From the middle, the beach extends as far as the eye can see in both directions.
This trail featured a walk through several different types of coastal environment – including some of the last intact Bangalay and Blackbutt eucalyptus forest on Australia’s South Coast – before opening up to the beachfront for the return journey. As per usual in Australia, there is wildlife everywhere. We even saw this wallaby!
We came at high tide, so most of our beach walking was actually along the sand dunes to stay dry. This was also our first experience with the “unmarked trail” in Australia. When we arrived at the beach, we spent a few minutes looking for the trail sign before realizing you’re just supposed to walk back along the water!
Enjoy this showcase of some unique and beautiful coastal nature!