There is a street in Hanoi that feels like it shouldn’t be real. The street is called Train Street for a very good reason – fully operational trains come right down the middle of the street every day.

The street was populated before the train tracks arrived – once the trains began running, however, most homeowners converted their places into cafes offering a very unique experience to guests. With the rise of the internet this road has become more well known, bringing ever more visitors seeking to take the best selfie on the tracks.
The trains still do need to run safely, however, so entry to the area is now restricted – you can only get in if you’re actually with one of the cafe owners and going to a cafe – no aimless wandering.

After a bit of searching (you do need to seek this place out) we found ourselves at one of Train Street’s cafes. We had to wait for a little while (who cares, you’re at a cafe!) but eventually a train came through.

This short video will show you what its like to have a drink while mere inches from a passing train – definitely was going much faster and got a lot closer than I anticipated. Enjoy!