Providing a taste of life on the road with this one. This is a short video capturing a 24+ hour long day of traveling through Thailand. Starting in Bangkok in the afternoon, we rode a Tuk Tuk (with our luggage) to the train station:

From there, we boarded an overnight train to Surat Thani. We had “first class” accommodation, but it wasn’t exactly a luxury experience:

The train ride was overnight, and upon arrival the next morning we weren’t done yet. From the Surat Thani station we took a 1 hour cab ride to the waterfront to board a “speed” ferry. The ferry was about 45 minutes to the island of Koh Samui, where we took another cab to our hotel.
All in all we spent over 24 hours traveling from the big city of Bangkok to the idyllic beachfronts of the southern islands. For the next few weeks we got to enjoy life like this:
The islands in southern Thailand are indeed glamorous, but as this video shows you’ve got to put in some less-than-glamorous effort to get there. Enjoy!