Mixing it up a bit from the hiking today. Recently, our hosts secured us some extra bikes (thanks neighbors!) and we took a 42 km (26 mile) ride up and down the Illawara regional coastline. And we saw some stingrays!
Specifically, we rode from Port Kembla Beach (aka MM Beach to the locals) to Bellambi Beach. Along the way we traveled through several parks, past the Port Kembla Steelworks – our host/bike guide’s former employer – and along the waterfront in Wollongong.

Unfortunately due to GoPro user error (I’ll do better next time I promise) the attached video only shows our return journey. But to make up for it, I included some footage of the massive stingrays we saw at the Bellambi boat ramp, our turnaround point. Fun fact – you can attract them by throwing a fish carcass in the water off the dock. Enjoy!