Another exciting excursion from our homestay at Sunrise Lagoon on Nanyua Lailai Island in Fiji’s Yasawa Group. This was originally going to be a normal snorkeling trip where they...
Beer Me – Fiji Edition

Fiji was a contrast to Australia on the drinks side; there aren’t many different types of beer you can get on the island. They do have some craftier beers...
Cave Diving & Cliff Jumping – Yasawa Islands, Fiji
Time to enjoy one of our exciting Fiji excursions – we took a 45 minute trip (in our hosts’ small fiberglass boat) to explore a local sea cave. After...
Snorkeling in the Blue Lagoon – Nanuya Lailai, Fiji
Round 1 of snorkeling during for our time in Fiji. This video covers a few sessions in the Blue Lagoon, a naturally protected harbor on the “resort” side of...
Over, Around, and Through Nanuya Lailai Island
Nanuya Lailai is a remote island – even by Fiji standards – and is also quite small; stretching only 1.4 kilometers (~1 mile) from one end to the other....
A Rough and Tumble Day on the Road – 8/6/2022

Some days traveling is easy – of note the day of our trip back from a week-and-a-half on Nanuya Laila Island in Fiji (comfortably staying in a beachside bungalow)...
Sunrise on Nanuya Lailai Island

Our homestay on Nanuya Lailai Island was right on the beach – and we mean that literally. This is the cabin we stayed in: And this was the view...
Riding the Flyer to the Yasawas – Fiji
Bula again! Time for another video showing off Fiji’s rugged natural beauty. After a few days in Nadi, we took the Yasawa Flyer ferry to our next destination –...
Bula Fiji! Exploration and Adventures Around Nadi
Welcome to the second leg of our travels – the beautiful island nation of Fiji! We initially planned to head straight from our arrival point (Nadi Airport on Vita...
Fantastic Photogenic Fiji – Viti Levu & Yasawas
For the second leg of our journey, we decided to go someplace nice and warm – at least warmer than Australia in the wintertime. On advice from our hosts...