Following our time in Sydney and Bondi Beach, we’ve been spending some time with family friends in the small town of Jamberoo – about 71 miles and a 1.5 hour train ride south of the city. Our hosts have been amazing, and we’ve been touring and hiking throughout the local area (not so much the last few days; with over 12 inches of rainfall – more on that in a future post). Beyond the tourist sights, we’ve also had the chance to explore some natural beauty just outside their backyard!
It starts with a dirt road (or “track, as the Australians call it) leading off the edge of the property. This neighborhood is a former dairy farm with a collection of homes along a single road situated at the top of a hill; however all the neighbors share access to over 200 surrounding acres on the hillside. These paths are maintained to act as fire breaks in the event of wildfire.
Along this road there are several mowed grass paths, winding downhill through a surprising variety of different environments. First you come to a forest of gum and acacia trees with a great view of the surrounding countryside.
Continuing down the environment changes to meadowlands – and more great views:
Finally, at the bottom of the hill you’re greeted by the Minamurra River – note these pictures were taken before the recent rainfall; this calm water is now (temporarily) replaced with a raging current. Also, per conversations with our hosts the river will likely have a slightly altered course moving forward – we’ll get some “after” photographs once the rain finally stops.
No poisonous spiders or snakes on this walk (we’re told the danger level in Australia is kind of overblown by the media, go figure) but we did see this huge ant – per wikipedia this is Myrmecia gulosa or the Red Bull Ant; commonly referred to in Australia as a “Hoppy Joe.” These are indeed venomous, and looked scary to boot!